About the Hosts

Jenny and Katie share a passionate love for Jesus and desire to call others to rise up and bring Heaven’s kingdom to earth. Speaker, author, and evangelist are each successful in their own right. However, when their unique traits are combined, these women form a dynamic team. Their first project, “Rise Up with Jenny & Katie,” is a TV program with King Television Network and has delivered rave reviews. Jenny and Katie have a heart to bring the life of God’s truths to your everyday life.


Jenny Lucky

Jenny is founder and director of International Awakening Ministries and Bride to Be Ministries. She is a prophetic Evangelist moving in healing, miracles, signs, and wonders. She travels to many nations, leads prayer rooms, takes teams to the nations for crusades, and helps build church needs.


Katie Walker

Katie is the co-author of Woman of Influence and the supporting actress in “8 DAYS.” You can also see her on Pure Flix’s “Because of Gracia.” This busy mother of four produces films, co-hosts Rise Up with Jenny and Katie,” speaks across the country to fight sex trafficking and teaches with the online study for The Passion Translation.